
Wegerzyn Gardens

As tomorrow is the official last day of summer, I'd really like to wrap up my summer blog posts before then. There's TONS to cover, so here goes! ...

Wegerzyn Discovery Gardens

One of my favorite places in Dayton (and possibly anywhere) is Wegerzyn Discovery Gardens. It's the cutest little place where kids can just let their imaginations run wild while wading in the creek, watering the plants, playing in the playhouse and planting flowers in the sandbox. We love it! We were able to make it to Wegerzyn twice this summer - once with Uncle Alex and again with the boys' best buddy, Brighton.

Watering plants w/Uncle Alex

The boys loved playing with this little caterpillar. When they were done, Matthew put him on a tree so he could, "go home to his mommy." Sweet.

Matthew, Jordan and Brighton are 3 peas in a pod. I swear these boys were best buds in Heaven before they came down to Earth, because they seriously have such a connection. It's SO cute.

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