
Rebels Without a Cause

Two adorably innocent little boys, just 3 days shy of 3 years old, sit at their picnic table to enjoy a breakfast of strawberry Poptarts and chocolate milk. I'm in the kitchen tirelessly typing away at the computer (really until my fingers fall off) so I can get as many emails out the door as possible before the morning really starts to get busy. I'm also carefully listening to the boys' conversation because I love to hear the weird things they talk about (oh, to be inside the mind of a 3 year-old). At one point I hear Jordan say:


(no response from me)


(again, no response from me)

"Hey Matt-matt...Mommy's not here...Let's do something..."

What?! 3 years old! 3 years old and they're already plotting against me! Boy, I'm in trouble...


Charity Brown said...

Hahaha! So funny! And happy early birthday to your boys! I remember the day they were born!

Elaine said...

My kids just do something the minute I turn my back. Reading where you said oh to be in the mind of a 3 year old made me remember when you once said "Hey,It made sense in my head" your boys are adorable. miss you AD