
Quote of the Week

Well, actually this quote is from the week of our vacation, but I'm just now getting around to blogging it. It was too cute to ignore. :)

First of all, Matthew is super girl crazy (I think I've mentioned that in previous posts). He's going to bring me so much trouble when he's older... ;-)

So, we were swimming in the kiddie pool in OBX when this cute little girl walked through the gate. Matthew saw her and immediately started jumping and splashing all around her. He was flouncing around like one of those male birds on Discovery Channel, trying to get the attention of the female. So. Funny. Anyway, later that afternoon, we were in the car on the way to dinner, and Jeremy and I listened to the following conversation:

Matthew (sighing blissfully): I love that girl.
Jordan: But Matt-matt, she doesn't love you ... She just loves her mommy!
Matthew (after a long pause): But...she can love her mommy too...

All I gotta say is, "Bros before hoes, Dudes."

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