

I'm pretty sure most women desire to have a daughter. In fact, I think I would like to have a daughter some day (sometime in the distant future). Well, today I realized an awesome advantage to having only boys - when the boys go on a camping trip with Daddy, then I am left completely alone. In a quiet. Empty. House. (Can I get a hallelujah, y'all?!)

Yes, this afternoon, Matthew, Jordan, Jeremy and my dad packed up the car and headed out for a testosterone-infused weekend of camping; leaving me behind to bask in the glory of being alone. Ahhhhh.... What will I do with myself this weekend?! What does a mother do when given the opportunity to be alone?

Whatever she wants...


Aimee said...

Nice! I hope you get to enjoy it! Take a nice long warm bath and read a good book! :)

Ashley said...

That has been my secret dream for a Mother's Day gift one day :) shhh, don't tell :) I can only imagine what you're doing and it sounds blissful :) Miss you!
Your boys are so handsome btw :)

Sarah C said...

That sounds sooo nice.