
Would you like some cheese with that whine?

OK, this is a Jordan quote from quite some time ago (like maybe a month ago?), but I had to post it anyway just so I can remember how sweet my children are (that last statement is dripping with sarcasm, by the way).

Admittedly, most days are good. The boys are sweet and obedient and fun for the most part, and we usually don't have many problems. Having said that, I had made it just two weeks into night float without having a complete meltdown (I still can't decide whether that's pretty good or pathetic). Anyway, just dream up the worst day imaginable, and that's the day I was having. It was around 4:30 and Jeremy had just left me (with two cranky, fighting, whining, crying 3 year olds) to go to work (lucky for him that he got to escape). I decided to get out a craft to do with the boys because, "Just maybe that'll do the trick and they'll cheer up." Bad. Idea. It was awful - the boys just fought more, whined more, cried more. And then, I completely broke down sobbing. I mean really blubbering. The boys just stared at me as if I was a lunatic and said nothing (I guess that's what it takes to get them to stop fighting and whining sometimes). I'm pretty sure that may have been the first time they had ever seen me cry (in fact they talked about it for 2 weeks), and I think they were fairly traumatized.

Anyway, fast-forward a few days...My boys were staying at Grandma and Grandpa's because my parents offered to take them for a few days (before I blew my brains out). Lindsey (my sis) was babysitting that first afternoon and Jordan started telling her all about Mommy crying "real bad".
Lindsey says: "Was Mommy crying because you guys were being bad boys?"
Jordan replies: "No. She was just whining."

Nice. I'm so glad my sweet boys are genuinely concerned for my well-being. :-)


Kacey said...

That was really the first time you had cried in front of your kids?!? I am impressed. I'm glad that your kids aren't perfect all the time because it doesn't make mine seem quite so naughty, even though they make me cry probably once a week!

emily barlocker scott said...

so precious.... I cant wait for the reciprocal love that kids show!

Sarah C said...

You are a great mom! I am sorry you had a tough day. Every mom needs to let it all out and cry sometimes. I am glad your family was able to step in and give you a break.