
All I want for Christmas are my two front teeth...

Well, I didn't think I'd hear myself sing that song for about another 3 or 4 years! Poor little Matt-matt...My parents had the boys while I went to California a couple weeks ago. On my way there, I called my dad during my layover to ask how they were. Me: "So, how are the boys doing?" My Dad: "Uh...not so good." My heart sank...

Matthew had been standing on the edge of the swimming pool when the dogs ran past him. They accidentally knock him off the ledge and he smacked his face on the diving board. My mom said it was horrible and there was blood everywhere. Poor guy didn't sleep all night. Of course I was completely beside myself because I couldn't be there for him. I bawled on the plane.

When I saw Matt-matt two days later, I thought he had lost his tooth. I called up a dentist friend of mine for advice and he offered to take a look at him for free. I drove Matthew up to see him the next day. He x-rayed him and it turned out that Matthew hadn't lost his tooth - it had gotten shoved completely up into his gum! OUCH!!! My heart just broke for him. How painful!

So anyway, apparently it'll come back down on its own as his permanent tooth pushes it out. He'll probably lose that tooth a little earlier than normal, but he'll be just fine (phew!). In the meantime, he'll just continue to look like a little hick-boy for the next few months. Alas, a picture of my little hillbilly:


Erin said...

Ah...poor Matthew. Charlotte did just about the same thing to her front teeth. Sometimes it's hard being a kid.

Charity Brown said...

Awww! Poor baby!!

Kori said...

My heart breaks for you, Adrienne, to not have been there. There is nothing like having a child hurt and nothing you can do about it. :(

Anonymous said...

Your poor babies! They both had hard hits this summer :(

Kacey said...

Poor Matthew! And I bet it was so hard for you not to be there during the trauma. I love the hillbilly look though!

Sarah C said...

Poor sweet little Matthew.