
Father's Day

As Jeremy's med school graduation gift, he received flying lessons. He's now a licensed private pilot. Funny story about this is that last summer, the boys got to go up in an airplane with Daddy and, ever since that day, they think that Jeremy is out flying around all day when he's at work. In fact, when I tell the boys that Daddy's at work, they say, "Daddy go to work. Daddy fly airplanes!" ...Boy, are they going to be SO disappointed when they find out what Daddy really does all day! That'll be an interesting conversation ("you do what?!")...

Anywho, for Jeremy's Father's Day gift, we rented an airplane and Jeremy flew us over to Indy to visit with my family. The boys were totally awestruck by seeing all the little airplanes up close. Then they were so excited to actually fly in one! A few pics from that day:

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