
More Matthew-isms and Antics

Adorable Jordan is a ball of sunshine and is full of constant, cute chatter; however, Matthew, who is the seemingly quieter one, is my little goof-off. I've mentioned before that Matthew says and does the funniest things. Here are a few more...

Matthew: Mommy, can I have a cupcake?
Me: I don't have any cupcakes, Matt-matt.
Matthew: Do you have any cookies in your house?
Me (kind of chuckling): No, I don't have any cookies either.
Matthew: Well, maybe...maybe should we go to Grandma's house?

Ha, he knows that cookies and cupcakes are always in plentiful supply at Grandma's

Last weekend we were visiting my parents in Indy and we went to church with them. The boys went to Primary (Sunday school for the little ones). During Primary, the kids sing songs, listen to stories and learn about Jesus. Keep in mind that, in Primary, the children are encouraged to be reverent (ie. respectful, peaceful, quiet). Well, since they were visitors, my boys were invited to come to the front of room so the rest of the kids could sing a welcome song to them. Matthew was beaming to be in front of everyone (he likes to make people laugh). The music started and as soon as the children began to sing, Matthew got down on the floor and started break-dancing. Seriously. Break. Dancing. And when Jordan realized that the rest of the kids thought it was pretty funny, he joined in with his brother.

I have to admit that it was pretty hilarious. It was so hard to keep a straight face when, afterward, I was trying to convince him that it is not appropriate to get on the floor and bust a move in the middle of Primary. Is "break-dancing" included in the definition of "reverent"? Where's my Websters...


Not sure if this is an appropriate forum for this one, but oh well...

The other day I was in my bedroom getting dressed and the boys ran over to me. They were excited because Matthew had just pooped. Breathless Matthew says, "Mommy...Mommy...I just pooped a big...giant...rocket poop!" Haha! Omgsh, please don't ever say that in public...

Jeremy's Birthday

Anyone who knows me well knows that I love to party. A day without fun is a day survived - not lived. I celebrate everything and I celebrate the big things in life hard core. :-)

Birthdays are no exception. Around our house, a birthday is such an important event that the festivities last for a full week rather than just a day. For one week, the birthday boy/girl gets all kinds of special attention. Jeremy's birthday was January 22nd and for a whole week he was showered with all kinds of love, including birthday dinners (I made the most fantabulous homemade manicotti and meatballs), cakes, dates and back massages. We ended the week with a bang with a small surprise birthday party at a local waterpark resort. It was awesome.

The happy birthday boy at Ft. Rapids Indoor Waterpark

My friend's mom, who owns a bakery here in town, made Jeremy the cutest birthday cake. She put waterslides on it with little guys floating around tubes.

Happy birthday, Sweetheart!



#14 Potty train the boys - completed 01/17/10 Free Clipart Picture of a Green Check Mark. Click Here to Get Free Images at Clipart Guide.com

I should have named this goal "Potty train the boys without having a nervous breakdown." Ack! This was definitely one of the hardest things I've ever done - right up there with labor. In fact, after the first 2 days of potty-training-hell, I told my mom that if I had to choose between potty training 2 toddlers at the same time and going through labor, I would likely choose labor.

I took 2 days off work, cleared my calendar, and for 4 days we did nothing but potty train. It was a painful experience and I could never have done it without my mom; but alas, I'm still alive, and 4 days, 5 boxes of candy, 50 or so accidents and 1,000 gray hairs later, my twin boys are potty trained. Woohoo! In four days we went from having 2 soggy diapered tots to having 2 Spiderman underwear-clad big boys. They've been accident-free for more than a week and I am one proud momma!

Is there an award for potty training 2 toddlers at the same time in 4 days? Well, I convinced Jeremy that there should be, so I think I'll treat myself to those boots I've had my eye on at DSW... :-D

And, with the money I'll save on diapers I'm going to have to buy a new rug since the current one (which is now in the trash) reeks of urine. Lovely!

My 101 in 1001


Hard Workin' Momma

Quote of the Week:

"Hunny, you are the most amazing woman. I can't believe you care for the boys, and work, and take care of the house, and you don't want to kill anyone at the end of the day."
- Jeremy (after spending 3 full days with the boys
while I was away in California for work)

I just love it when our husbands learn about and show appreciation for all the hard work we mommas do. ;-) Motherhood is not for the faint of heart!