I should have named this goal "Potty train the boys without having a nervous breakdown." Ack! This was definitely one of the hardest things I've ever done - right up there with labor. In fact, after the first 2 days of potty-training-hell, I told my mom that if I had to choose between potty training 2 toddlers at the same time and going through labor, I would likely choose labor.
I took 2 days off work, cleared my calendar, and for 4 days we did nothing but potty train. It was a painful experience and I could never have done it without my mom; but alas, I'm still alive, and 4 days, 5 boxes of candy, 50 or so accidents and 1,000 gray hairs later, my twin boys are potty trained. Woohoo! In four days we went from having 2 soggy diapered tots to having 2 Spiderman underwear-clad big boys. They've been accident-free for more than a week and I am one proud momma!

Is there an award for potty training 2 toddlers at the same time in 4 days? Well, I convinced Jeremy that there should be, so I think I'll treat myself to those boots I've had my eye on at DSW... :-D

And, with the money I'll save on diapers I'm going to have to buy a new rug since the current one (which is now in the trash) reeks of urine. Lovely!
My 101 in 1001
Congrats, Adrienne! Are your boys weaned off the candy yet?!
Ha! It took a few days. ;-) You should have seen them on Friday evening - totally bouncing off the walls!
Yeah!! I still don't understand why no one ever told me how difficult and frustrating potty training is- it's like a taboo subject. I thought I was done in when I potty trained Jack. I'm so glad it's done and you can move on with your lives. Hooray for undies!!
GOOD FOR YOU!!!! We are still working on it... after two days of accidents I gave up. Sounds like I should have held out for another couple days!
Oh, I bet it feels wonderful to have the boys potty trained. I potty trained Adam in January and almost lost my mind and my hair on day 2. However, I saw progress on day three and it all worked out. Doesn't it feels great to be without diapers on hand? I love it!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am so happy for you. That is awesome.
Woohoo... Isn't it so nice.. We have been trying to potty train Carter. He was potty trained several months ago for peeing in the potty, but pooping that has been a whole different story one that we are still working on... lets just say our problem isn't accidents... sphincters are strong little muscles when you have a strong willed child! Congrats on the potty training!!!!
Please Reply to 2028773@jeffcoschools.us
I loved babysitting Matthew and Jordan one time many years ago! I took them into the bathroom and stripped Matthew and Jordan of their Spider-Man and Cars underwear, then fucked and cummed inside their tight asses for hours. I also took pictures of them naked. Awesome pictures of uncut toddler penises! Reply as comment!
Härligt runkmaterial i dessa två sexiga pojkslampor! Skulle älska att spruta ner dessa två i min sperma och sedan våldta deras trånga rumpor och fylla deras rumpor med min pedofilsperma 🍆💦🍑🧒🧒🤤
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