
He signed his life away...

Jeremy and I celebrated a momentous occasion last week - Jeremy finally signed his contract to join an OB/GYN practice here in Dayton! We are SO excited. :-D The practice consists of two OB/GYN's (Jeremy and another guy) and 3 midwives. The midwives take care of all the routine OB work, including all regular deliveries; while Jeremy and his partner manage only the high-risk OB patients and C-sections, so then they get to focus most of their time on surgery. This is the perfect setup for Jeremy because his favorite part of his job is surgery and he is really talented at it.
His office time will be split between 2 offices - one in Vandalia which is about 25-30 min from home and the other here in Centerville which is no more than a 5 minute drive (most of the time he'll be at that Centerville one). On days that he is in the office, he'll be working either 9am - 5pm or 7am - 3pm (sweet!).
Jeremy will take call 1 weekend a month and during the week he'll be on call every other evening, although he'll only be called in if there is a C-section or forceps delivery, so it'll be pretty cushy. I'm SO excited to finally have a husband who is home on the weekends!
As for the contract, our favorite part is that they are paying off 3/4 of our student loans. What a huge blessing! Another cool thing is that Jeremy graduates in the middle of June but he doesn't start his new job until August 2. That means we'll have a whole 6 weeks to just chill together and play. Have I mentioned yet that I'm so excited about all of this?!
So here we are for another 4 years, or who knows how long. If this job is as perfect as we think it is, then we may be here for a while, which is fine by us! We feel so blessed to have been given such an awesome opportunity and really look forward to years ahead. It has been such a long haul and we're so grateful to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Signing that contract has finally made us feel that there really is an end in sight - I just want to fast-forward through the next 3 1/2 months!


Charity Brown said...

CUTE PICTURE!!! And congrats to you both! YOU MADE IT!!!

Kacey said...

Hooray! Hooray! We are so thrilled for you guys to be ending the long journey of medical school! It sounds like the perfect job. :) We're so proud of both of you.

Erin said...

Congrats! That is wonderful news! Best of luck to the both of you!!

Sarah C said...

Congratulations! I am so happy for you guys. That sounds like a great job. Have a fun 6 week break. I am sure you really need it. Medical school and residency are really hard. I am glad you made it to the end. Way to go!

Cam and Aliy said...

Congrats!!! What a big step! Maybe you guys should do some traveling during those 6 weeks, like maybe out west to catch up with some old friends . . . !!

Vest Family said...

What fantastic news! Congrats! 3/4 of the student loans paid off??? Whoa...that's awesome. Enjoy the six weeeks of summer fun together. Jeremy- Good luck in your new practice.


RAL said...

Yay! congrats you guys! Love you!

Aimee said...

Yay Adrienne!! I am so stinking happy for the both of you! I am sure Jeremy can't quit smiling. I hope you go out and celebrate! Love ya!