
Sledding and Snowmen

I really don't like winter, I'm not a fan of snow and I hate being cold (why do I live in Ohio rather than Florida? A mystery...). You can imagine how thrilled I was when I suggested to Jeremy that we take the boys sledding and he enthusiastically agreed that it was a great idea. Boo-hoo.

To my pleasant surprise, it was actually a total blast. We had so much fun taking the boys sledding for the first time.

I might add that it was ridiculously difficult to find sledding essentials in mid-February. We went to three different stores looking for sleds, gloves and boots. One might logically think that you could find those items in the dead of winter in the midwest, but rather we found sunscreen, flip-flops and bikinis. Of course. Silly me... Eventually we found some items on clearance at a mountain-man store (the boys' gloves were 5 sizes too big, but they worked) and we borrowed some sleds from my cousin. In the end, fun was had by all!

Another snowy first was the boys' first snowman. Matthew lasted out in the snow for about 5 min before saying, "Mommy, should we have hot chocolate?" I'm pretty sure the only reason he dares to venture into the cold is because he knows he'll get some hot chocolate afterwards (he's definitely my son). Jordan was in it for the long haul and helped Daddy finish building Frosty. The snowman's name is Frosty, but the boys kept calling him Crusty. Oh, and the next day, the boys were freaking out because the birds were out there eating Frosty's eyes. "Mommy, stop those birds! They're eating Crusty's eyes out!" It was hilarious.


Kacey said...

Ooh fun!! I have to agree, the hot chocolate after the sledding is my favorite part too. :)

Sarah C said...

That looks like so much fun. We love to go sledding. I think the birds eating "Crusty's" eyes is funny. The kids get so attached to their snowmen. They are so sad when the snowman doesn't last forever. Your boys look cute drinking their hot chocolate.