
Heaven's Corner - Zoo & Animal Sanctuary

This is an activity we did at the very beginning of the summer, but I forgot to blog about it. There is the most amazing place just 25 min west of Dayton in West Alexandria, OH. These people have put together a home grown animal sanctuary on their land in the middle of nowhere called Heaven's Corner. When you drive up to it, it looks like nothing - just some homely farm. But beyond the front gate is something amazing - there are monkeys, lemurs, wallabies, tigers, bears, wolves, Russian wild boars, panthers, alligators and tons more. The craziest thing is that there is only a small chain-link fence between you and the animals. They're so close! Anyway, it's the coolest little place, and if you live close by, then I recommend you go there. :)

How cute is this little guy?! He was only a few weeks old. The zookeeper brought him out so we could play and pet him. Amazing!

Feeding the wallabies

I was slightly scared for my life at this point - I was pretty sure this guy was going to jump through the fence and eat me!

The cutest baby goats! I told Jeremy that I may want to buy a house that has a little land so I can get a goat. Don't know why, but I just love them. :)

A goat trying to eat Jordan's shirt. Ha!

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