
Quote of the week...

It's so crazy that kids pick up on everything. Matthew has said a couple things in the past few days that had me rolling - especially since he probably didn't even know what he was saying.

We were in the car and the boys were just chatting with each other. They weren't arguing or anything at all, so this comment came totally out of the blue. Matthew simply said, "Jordan. You wanna piece of me?"

Then the boys were on a hike with Jeremy and my dad this weekend. Again, the boys were just chatting and Jordan asked Matthew a question. In response, Matthew said, "I can tell you, but I'd have to kill you."

Ha! Where does he get this? Pretty much the only T.V. shows the boys watch are on PBS, and I'm pretty sure I've never said those phrases to either of them. Actually, I think Mr. Potato Head says, "You wanna piece of me?" in Toy Story 2 (sad that I know that). Anyway, like I said, it's amazing how kids pick up on everything. :)

1 comment:

Cam and Aliy said...

LOL - The other day Riley finished going #2 and jumps up and says "I'm a Rockstar!!!" Seriously - We have never said that!! Aren't they the greatest at this age!!